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Experience academic excellence at Asbury through undergraduate, online and graduate programs.

电子游艺信誉排行的学术课程, 连接14个具有前瞻性的学术部门, 远远超出了我们美丽的威尔默校园的教室, Kentucky.

从跨学科合作和 online programs to study abroad, 实习和跨文化沉浸, Asbury’s diverse student community reaches academic excellence in undergraduate, online, graduate and certificate academic programs and through collaborative opportunities for student involvement, 校内和校外. Even high school students can start immersing themselves in the Asbury experience through 高中双录取.

你是否对传统的, on-campus degree experience or an online program to progress your career goals, 了解更多关于 the different undergraduate and graduate degrees available to Asbury students. With an educational mission enmeshing vibrant faith with rigorous study, 电子游艺信誉排行的每个学位都是独一无二的.


探索超过125个研究领域, 从会计到马术再到青年事工……以及介于两者之间的一切!



通过阿斯伯里的严谨,提升你的职业生涯并产生更大的影响, personalized, 在线研究生课程.


Online Programs

Experience the power of an Asbury education through a convenient format that works with your schedule.



艾斯拜瑞大学市’s academic offerings span over 125 areas of study and a few different degree levels, 除了其他认证项目外:

  • Associate (A.A., A.S.)
  • Bachelor’s (B.A., B.S.)
  • Master’s (M.A., M.F.A., M.A.T., M.A.C., M.B.A.)

除了传统的本科生, 艾斯拜瑞大学市’s diverse student body also includes academic programs for graduate students, 在线学位课程 学生和寻求其他认证的学生. 电子游艺信誉排行提供硕士学位 business (MBA的两个方向:管理和非营利组织管理)  媒体沟通 (the M.F.A. 编剧方面,M.F.A. 在电影/电视制作,或M.A. (数字化叙事), education (从专门化的.A. 教育学硕士学位.A.T.(13个学科领域的学位),以及 communication (M.A. 在沟通).

Want to get started on a graduate business degree or communication master’s degree while you’re still in undergrad? 了解更多有关 阿斯伯里+1度加速计划.

无论你是现在的鹰还是只是探索,看看 学术目录 获取更多学术资源.


Asbury majors and minors are designed to nurture each student’s tailored interests, 这些是否基于信仰, 求知欲, adventure, or service. 有近50种不同的浓度, 你可以追求自己的教育之旅, customizing your degree with courses that satisfy your inquisitive mind.

Start building an academic career that connects with what you care about by exploring the possibilities of our 本科专业、辅修专业和重点专业.


All 14 trailblazing departments are stewards of Asbury’s academic core, blending 精神活力 with inquisitiveness to uplift future servant leaders and worldly citizens. Asbury students have opportunities for missions and community service in nearly every discipline, 甚至在他们的领域进行国际实习.

  • Ancient & Modern Languages
  • Art & Design
  • Business
  • 基督教的研究 & Philosophy
  • Communication & Theatre
  • Education
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • 新闻媒体, & 这类数字故事叙述
  • Music
  • Psychology
  • Science & Health
  • Social Science & History
  • Social Work



Asbury’s academic mission is to integrate faith and learning to equip tomorrow’s leaders with a holistic educational experience. Our dedication to fostering servant leaders and productive citizens through liberal and applied arts scholarship starts with a forward-thinking, 高等教育的跨学科方法.

From core interdisciplinary courses in critical thinking to exploratory academic experiences outside of the classroom like student-led SEARCH events, 艾斯拜瑞大学市 degrees offer a rich, multifaceted experience to every student.

Learn how 阿斯伯里的学术课程转化为学术上的成功.


Foundations is an interdisciplinary liberal arts curriculum for undergraduates at Asbury. 满足基金会的要求, undergraduate students take core philosophy, literacy and societal engagement courses that are developed from a perspective that investigates life’s most enduring questions.

These courses connect students from all disciplines to tackle essential human knowledge, 引导学生发现他们的专业如何, study area, 或者专业可以尝试回答这些基本问题.

基金会授权学生调查他们的职业, promoting a lifetime of inquisitive learning through classes that are organized into five categories: 

  • 基督教信仰与文化的融合
  • 发现人类的思想和创造性表达
  • 参与社会和全球责任
  • 实现定量和批判性素养
  • 探索自然世界和环境.

Explore the 基础课程和课程要求.


Liberal arts education is a philosophy grounded in the traditional intellectual methods of the ancient Greeks. Liberal arts education can be defined as exploring intellectual truth and understanding through the study of the human arts, 也被称为人文学科, 传统上包括历史等科目, art, natural sciences, philosophy, 文字艺术和数学. A liberal arts-based academic program like Asbury’s emphasizes community, 职业与全球公民.

艾斯拜瑞大学市 academics offer holistic and self-affirming educational journeys for all students, following the footsteps of our founders who valued the freedom through knowledge that is central to liberal arts education.

Study Abroad & 校外项目

我们知道我们的学生是勇于突破界限的思想家. 从国际实习和留学项目到 社区服务和宣教机会阿斯伯里的学生甚至可以在各种各样的环境中学习 在伟大的户外.

浏览留学页面 to learn how you’ll enrich your academic career through international research partnerships, study abroad semesters and unique off-campus programs located all over the world—from Paris and China to the Middle East, 非洲和华盛顿, D.C.


Each 艾斯拜瑞大学市 student enriches their academic goals with immersion experiences, 从当地社区到世界各地. Through the 跨文化参与项目, 学生们已经去过121个国家, embracing the ever-changing global community through the appreciation of cultural differences.


Whether you’re just starting to explore 艾斯拜瑞大学市’s degree programs, 要么你就是现在的阿斯伯里鹰队, 请不要犹豫,联系这些有用的资源.


Review our 为新生和在校生提供学术资源, from admissions and aid to accessibility resources, catalogs and helpful links.


找出本科生的重要日期和截止日期, 在线课程和研究生学位课程 校历.

Kinlaw Library

Search the library database, find research help, or reserve library study rooms at Kinlaw Library.


电子游艺信誉排行 注册处 can help you with course registration, academic records and graduation information.


艾斯拜瑞大学市 is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097; Telephone 404-679-4501). 电子游艺信誉排行 School of Education is accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Kentucky Education Professional Standards Board. 电子游艺信誉排行 Social Work Program is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education. 艾斯拜瑞大学市 is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music.

View a 我们的认证和会员名单.


电子游艺信誉排行的录取程序取决于你的学位水平. 无论你是第一次还是转学生, 或者你继续你的教育,获得研究生学位, 了解更多关于 电子游艺信誉排行电子游艺信誉排行.

Financial Aid

择优奖学金和联邦, state and private financial assistance ensure 艾斯拜瑞大学市 degrees continue to be a smart investment for our students.

Learn more about 为阿斯伯里学生提供的经济援助机会.


艾斯拜瑞大学市 degree programs are fueled by 精神活力 and unflappable curiosity, giving students the chance to create a unique educational journey they are passionate about. 无论你是在寻找一个职业提升研究生学位, 方便的在线学位或传统的学士学位课程, 你在阿斯伯里有一条路.

Learn more about 阿斯伯里学生生活, 安排拜访, or 联系电子游艺信誉排行 today.